Easter was such a big deal in our home growing up. I’m sure those of you who have been following me for awhile know that going to church is a big part of my life and it stems from my childhood. My Mother is as Catholic as they come and every Christian Holiday was always a celebration. I will never forget when I was four years old my Mom bought me this white dress with a blue sash and a big, ornate hat. I thought I was the cat’s meow. To this day I always love getting dressed up for Easter Sunday.
When I saw this Mud-Pie dress I knew I had to have it. My mother-in-law, whom I adore, had already bought dresses for my four year old and two year old daughters which looked very similar.
Not only do I love the bright colorful pattern, but the ruffle and gold buttons add the perfect amount of detail making the dress pop even more. I also added a gold belt to give the dress a little more shape.
Add a bright pink statement earring and pair of neutral wedges and you are dressed for Sunday Easter best!
I also love dressing similar to my girls as often as possible. However, it can be hard to find outfits that match a thirty year old and set of toddler girls. Wait until you see how adorable my sweet princesses look in these dresses!
Need I say anymore?!? I am a little obsessed with these two. Y’all know what we will be wearing Sunday morning and the girls are already counting down the days until the Easter bunny visits us.
Lots of Love! Holly Jo